Research projects 2023

  • Building disaster resilient societies

    Societies are increasingly affected by natural disasters. This necessitates adaptability and building resilience. Understanding decision-making around reconstruction and effective communication are essential aspects here. As yet, these remain underexposed in scientific research around disasters. In this project, the researchers are working on a proposal to attract new research funding. With this, they aim to develop a Disaster Reconstruction Support Framework. A holistic framework for risk communication and decision-making around disasters for governments. This framework can be adapted based on needs, local conditions and those directly involved in the whole process of preparedness, prevention and recovery. The project aligns well with the VU-UT research and impact agendas and also touches on many social themes such as disaster resilience and prevention, access to safe housing, equity, vulnerability and civic engagement.

    Research title

    ‘Building disaster resilient societies: A Disaster Reconstruction Support Framework’

    Researchers involved

    Eefje Hendriks
    Cees van Westen
    Nathan Edward Clark
    Kees Boersma


    Eefje Hendriks,