Research projects 2022

Two universities. One ambition. More social impact.
  • Skills check tool stimulates learning scientific skills

    The goal of this research is to stimulate innovation and integration of academic skills learning by students in scientific programmes. For this purpose a Skills Check Tool is developed that helps teaching staff to critically evaluate academic skills in their course or curriculum. Academic skills are indispensable in modern society. They facilitate interdisciplinary communication and are essential in the valorisation of research across different disciplines. Using the Skills Check Tool teaching staff can assess their individual course or course curriculum on the integration of different skills. The Skills Check Tool has been applied to two different degree programs namely UT BSc Mechanical Engineering and the VU BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences. To further develop the tool, more training and courses will be assessed.

    Research title

    ‘An Academic Skills Audit Tool: stimulating innovation and integration of skills learning in scientific programs’

    Researchers involved

    Isabel Braadbaart
    Boukje de Gooijer


    Skills Audit Tool


    Boukje de Gooijer,

  • A program of hope as response to climate change

    Views on climate change are often either pessimistic or optimistic. In this project researchers of the VU and the UT explored one another’s expertise in developing an alternative view:  one of hope. This project has resulted in a large follow up project as part of the National Growth Fund project ‘Transition to a future-proof living environment’. Within this project the joined research team of the VU and the UT is guiding the theme of cultural change and new ways of collaboration.

    Research title

    ‘Joining forces in developing a program of hope as response to climate change: interdisciplinary cooperation of design, theology and psychology’

    Researchers involved

    Jan Jorrit Hasselaar
    Ernst Bohlmeijer 


    Hope in times of climate change


    Jan Jorrit Hasselaar,

  • Complex social issues call for design thinking

    Students increasingly face complex (social) issues during and after their study. Addressing these issues requires transdisciplinary and systemic approaches, such as design thinking. This research deals with promoting design thinking in education by evaluating teacher and student experiences. At the VU and the UT, design thinking is applied within various disciplines; from science communication to law and (design) engineering. By studying this,  including the experiences of lecturers and students, lecturers from both universities can learn a lot in this area. In doing so, they are able to equip students, and thus future alumni, with the knowledge and skills they need to study and address complex social issues within and outside their field of study. A conference publication for the research is in the pipeline and a communication event is planned.

    Research title  

    ‘Furthering design thinking in VU-UT education and research into complex societal challenges’

    Researchers involved

    Marjoleine van der Meij
    Armagan Karahanoglu
    Pieter van Beukering, 
    Charlotte Rappel, 
    Ivar Maas, 
    Flora Pennartz, 
    Kostas Nizamis, 
    Alberto Martinetti


    Marjoleine van der Meij,

  • Minor in sustainable energy

    With several universities, research institutes and private companies working on novel energy technologies, Amsterdam has quickly become a thriving environment for sustainable energy research and teaching. With a minor on Sustainable Energy we want to connect students of the joint UT-VU bachelor Mechanical Engineering (ME) to this inspiring milieu. The minor aims at educating students capable of finding creative and innovative solutions to our most urgent societal challenge: the development of a sustainable energy infrastructure. The minor fits well with the ambitions of the VU-UT collaboration on the part of Industrial Energy Systems, Science for Energy and Sustainability tracks in Physics and Chemistry.  More connections will be established with relevant UT and VU partners as well as with the many relevant intra-university VU initiatives, such as Business and Innovation, the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute and the Institute for Environmental Studies.

    Research title

    ‘Minor in Sustainable Energy’

    Researchers involved

    Andrea Baldi,
    Yashar Hajimolana


    Yashar Hajimolana,