Welcome to Creative Technology UT-VU

Welcome to the Creative Technology programme at the University of Twente (UT) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)! We cannot wait to see you in September 2025. We are currently preparing all the information you will need to get started. In the meantime, the following information may answer some of the questions you have right now. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Not starting in September 2025?

The information on this webpage is for students who are starting their studies in September 2025. If you are still orienting, please visit this webpage for more general information.

What Your education in September 2025 will look like

If you choose to study in Amsterdam, you will study most of the time in Amsterdam and several days a month in Enschede. That means you regularly will spend consecutive days in Enschede for practicals and tutorials.

Education at VU Amsterdam

Our education will mostly be on campus. You will meet your fellow project group members and our staff members at least several days a week at the campus. We will not offer online alternatives for on-campus activities.

Education at University of Twente

On top of the on-campus education at VU Amsterdam you will travel a few times a month to Enschede, mainly to follow practicals. We strive to plan multiple consecutive lecturing days in Enschede so you can stay the night and profit optimally from your stay and the facilities in Enschede. In the overview below you can find the dates for the first quartile. We will not offer online alternatives for the practicals. The cost for your overnight stay in Twente is for your own account. Extra information and different options for housing can be found here

  • Dates for consecutive lecturing days in Enschede

    Module 1

    Module 2

    Friday, 27 September 2024

    Friday, 13 December 2024

    Thursday, 31 October 2024
    Friday, 1 November 2024

    Thursday, 9 January 2025
    Friday, 10 January 2025

    Monday, 4 November 2024
    Tuesday, 5 November 2024
    Wednesday, 6 November 2024

    Thursday, 16 January 2025
    Friday, 17 January 2025

    Wednesday, 22 January 2025
    Thursday, 23 January 2025
    Friday, 24 January 2025

Two universities, two sources of information

While the Creative Technology programme is offered by two universities, UT and VU Amsterdam, you might also get information regarding your studies from both universities. Despite the fact that we try to limit this to one sender as much as possible, it is not always possible. On this page, we will let you know what information you can expect from what sender (or on which website you can find the information).

In addition, VU Amsterdam has a special Pre-student environment with lots of nice-to-know information about studying in Amsterdam and about the university. Once you have applied for a bachelor's, you receive an email from VU Amsterdam with your VU-net ID and details about how to log in.

Information overview

In the overview below you will find what types of information you can expect when and from which source. We divided the information into four categories. It also contains links to webpages where you can find more detailed information. In case you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Application




    To finalise your application make sure you have completed all the steps. You are going to study at VU Amsterdam most of the time, but you will receive a degree of the University of Twente. That is why the application process goes through UT.

    Please note that for Creative Technology applicants matching activities are obligatory, therefore you will have to apply for the programme before 1 May (completed application with all the required uploads submitted via Osiris). This deadline applies to all students, Dutch and non-Dutch. 

    VISA (international students only)

    UT will help international students to get a VISA. You will receive an e-mail about this via UT.

  • Mandatory matching



    What is matching?

    At Creative Technology we think it is important for you to choose a programme that meets your expectations and is a good match with your interests and your talents. A good match between you and the study programme you choose increases your chances to successfully complete the programme and obtain a diploma. To improve this match, we use ‘Mandatory Matching’. That means that all our Creative Technology applicants need to take part in a series of obligated matching activities. With these activities we aim to investigate together if your expectations, talents and intentions ‘match’ with the content and setup of the programme. The goal of the matching day is that you have an impression of what to expect and that you get an advice if our programme would be a good fit for you.


    We would advise you to join a matching event on-campus because that gives you the best impression of the atmosphere within Creative Technology. If it is not possible to join an on-campus matching event (e.g. because you are an international student), you can sign up for the online events.

    05 March 2024
    25 June 2024

    2 May 2024 (VU, Amsterdam) 
    11 July 2024

    Note: if you do not register for Creative Technology before 1 May and do not participate in the matching activity you will not be admitted to the programme.

    Sign-up form

    Sign up for matching event 

    For questions, please reach out to intake-create-vu@utwente.nl

    Matching procedure

    The matching procedure consists of the following aspects: 


    Your CV can be a simple one. Please include basic personal information, some details about your secondary school, your activities between leaving secondary school and applying at the University of Twente and a list of your activities and hobbies over the last few years.

    Motivation letter

    Explain to us why you want to study Creative Technology. Be concise and make it personal. The intake committee already knows that Creative Technology is a very interesting programme, so you don’t have to explain that. Please tell us what makes this the best programme for you. What is your motivation for studying Creative Technology?


    Also, we request you to submit a portfolio as in images, movies, soundtracks with explanations. This portfolio will be used as a basis for assessing the match between you and the programme, though the portfolio itself is not an assessment criterion. Please submit a portfolio consisting of two sections:

    • Firstly, we are looking for things you have made or done yourself as a creative person. Technological achievements are welcome, and they may be low-tech (woodwork, LEGO) as well as high-tech (software, electronics). But non-technical achievements in, for example, music, film-making, stage play, writing, gaming etc. are important as well.
    • Secondly, we are looking for things you have encountered which are, in your view, typically Creative Technology. Have you seen a product, a website, a movie or something else which intrigued you as being an original, beautiful, useful, or promising application of technology? Then please incorporate a link, a picture or a description in your portfolio.

    The format of the portfolio is up to you, but please use a standard that both Apple and Windows can handle. Try to restrict the size to 5MB. You will find examples of a number of matching portfolios of current students here:

    Reflection form

    Finally, you need to submit your own reflection form regarding your choice of study for Creative Technology. Without this reflection, you will not be admitted.


    In case of questions you can contact intake-create-vu@utwente.nl

  • Before you start




    Once all the required documents have been submitted (including a copy of the diploma that enables you to be admitted to the programme), you have taken part in the matching procedure and you have met other (including financial) obligations, you will be informed of the decision regarding your admission to the Creative Technology programme at the University of Twente.

    Please note: For international students, slightly different arrangements may apply and the documents required and deadlines may also differ. The information will be sent by email from the Admission Office and the International Office from the University of Twente.

    Student card

    You will receive a student card from both UT and VU Amsterdam. The VU ID card will be sent later than the UT student card but do not worry if you have not received the VU ID card at the start of the academic year. You do not need it to follow courses.

    More about the UT student card
    More about the VU ID card

    Housing Amsterdam

    VU Amsterdam offers accommodation to international students (no guaranteed accommodation). International students will receive an e-mail of the VU International Office about this.

    Housing for the UT visits

    You will travel to Enschede from time to time, to follow courses at UT (more about this under "During your studies" > "Commuting between Amsterdam and Enschede"). We offer you the possibility to stay overnight in a lodge on the campus of UT. In due time you will receive a link to an online preference form, in which you can submit your preferences for this stay and have to pay the costs.

    Study association

    Kliché is your Study Association at VU Amsterdam.
    Study Association Kliché

    S.A. Proto is your Study Association from the BSc programme CreaTe at the UT.
    Study Association Proto

    Introduction period

    Before the start of the academic year you will be invited to participate in two introduction programmes of VU Amsterdam and UT. 

    Around mid-June you will receive the invitation.

    Introduction at VU Amsterdam
    You will enjoy the general introduction of VU Amsterdam to become acquainted with the VU campus and Amsterdam City.  The focus of these three days is mostly on social and fun activities. During this event you will join introductory, cultural and sports related activities with your mentor group. You will also become acquainted with Kliché - your study association in Amsterdam. 

    Kick-in introduction UT
    You also have the possibility to get to know your fellow students by participating in the UT Kick-In introduction which will take place on the UT campus. This study-related programme will truly introduce you to the Creative Technology programme through organisational support and fun activities.

    You will receive a useful checklist and help from current Creative Technology students to arrange the last things to get started with your studies, like registering for courses, checking your ICT account etc. You will also be introduced to the study association S.A. Proto.

    Arrival days VU Amsterdam for international students
    VU Amsterdam will welcome all new international exchange students on campus in August. You can find more information and the latest updates about the Practical Matters days on the website of VU Amsterdam.

    Study books

    Once you have registered for the Kick-In and became a member of study association Proto, you can purchase your study books with a discount. You will get more information about this during the introduction days. The books will be delivered to your home address. During the first week of the academic year, no books are needed. Your study material for this week is available online.


    For the study programme Creative Technology you need a notebook with high graphic performance and a powerful processor in the first week of your study. You can bring your own device or purchase a new high-end notebook via the annual notebook project of the University of Twente. In this project, we offer selected notebooks for a competitive price, of which we can guarantee that they conform to the requirements of your study programme. The notebook can be delivered to your home address.

    Course registration

    For Semester 1 you can register up until 31 August through Osiris Student. You can register for the whole semester and are then automatically enrolled for all courses in that semester.


    You can find your timetable via rooster.vu.nl and rooster.utwente.nl two weeks before the start of the academic year.

  • During your studies



    Educational/ICT systems

    Because you are a student at both UT and VU Amsterdam, you will make use of different ICT systems. In the first week of your studies, there will be a presentation about these systems. In case you need help on one of the systems, we have student assistants available to you.

    Commuting between Amsterdam 
    and Enschede

    During your studies, you frequently travel to Enschede to follow courses at the UT. We expect you to visit UT on a regular base starting in your first week of the academic year.

    Sport activities at the UT

    A kind of 'Gentlemen's agreement' has been concluded between all universities in the Netherlands concerning sports for a student. This means that if you purchase a sports card at VU Amsterdam, you are also entitled to a free sports card at another university in the Netherlands (for example, the UT).

    Personal circumstances

    In case you encounter personal circumstances which can limit you from studying or performing during your study, please know we have a study adviser available for you. You can contact:

    Gijs van Ierssel (VU)
    Send an email