VU – UTNews & agendaNewsTowards a safe, responsible and smart society

Towards a safe, responsible and smart society

During the VU-UT working visit on 18 April, the three VU-UT impact coalitions shared their research programmes and plans for the future during a special session. The coalitions strive for social innovation by integrating the alpha, beta, gamma and engineering sciences. The session showcased many successful initiatives and ongoing research collaborations.

The Secure Societies impact coalition deals with crisis management, polarisation, undermining crime and the future of policing. The project discussed measured the effectiveness of cooperation in police teams using technologies.

Within the Responsible Societies impact coalition, the focus is on urban climate, responsible use of natural resources, energy transition, natural disasters and their effects on society. In the project discussed, green roofs and walls are being tested to make cities climate-proof.

The Smart Societies impact coalition focuses on smart health, smart environments and smart industry. The coalition highlighted a project on how playgrounds for children can be made more inclusive using sensor technologies.

Plans for 2024 and beyond included more focused networks, joint professorships and deeper integration with teaching at VU-UT. Also discussed was the aim to combine teaching with research that meets the needs of different stakeholders.

Do you have contact with researchers, stakeholders and/or prospective students who are not yet aware of the impact coalitions? Be sure to inform them about what we do, using this infographic with an overview of our work.