VU – UTNews & agendaNewsNew composition VU-UT Steering Committee

New composition VU-UT Steering Committee

Since 1 January, the composition of the VU-UT Steering Committee has changed. From both universities, three deans participate, supplemented by an independent chairman. In this new set-up, the deans not only represent their own faculty, but collectively the entire institution per university. This smaller composition suits the stage the Alliance has now reached. 

Taking part on behalf of the UT are

Prof Tanya Bondarouk
Faculty Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Prof. Joost Kok
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Bart Koopman
Faculty Engineering Technology

Taking part on behalf of the VU are

Prof. dr. Aletta Kraneveld
Faculty of Science
Prof. Dr. Arjen van Witteloostuijn
School of Business and Economics
Prof. Dr. René van Woudenberg
Faculty of Humanities

The independent chair is prof. Guus Schreiber, former dean of the Faculty of Science at VU Amsterdam. The Steering Committee is responsible for the realisation of the VU-UT two-year programme, which has been adopted by both Executive Boards.

Read more on the organisation of the Alliance