VU – UTNews & agendaNewsVU students and UT researchers measure impact VR exhibition

VU students and UT researchers measure impact VR exhibition

Sebastian Hirjoaba, Iris Roskam and Eser Berçin are bachelor students of the interdisciplinary minor Digital Humanities and Social Analytics at VU Amsterdam. They developed a user experience survey for VR at art exhibitions under the guidance of UT researchers Shenghui Wang and Delaram Javdani Rikhtehgar. The students visited the UT campus to experience an existing VR exhibition and determine the requirements for their research. They developed a self-report survey for users' subjective experiences such as emotional engagement, perceived comfort and to which extent the user is absorbed in the VR experience. They also looked at how objective biometric data such as eye-tracking could be connected to the subjective reporting.

Watch the video presentation of the study here and read more about inclusive, interactive cultural heritage here