VU – UTNews & agendaNewsBachelor Creative Technology in Amsterdam getting closer

Bachelor Creative Technology in Amsterdam getting closer

The start of the bachelor’s programme Creative Technology in Amsterdam in 2023 is getting closer. The preliminary results of the business case are promising, and in early April the UT Executive Board is expected to take the decision to offer the programme in Amsterdam as well. Creative Technology is a technical programme that can be taken with any VWO profile. The programme has been successful for years at the UT and has a high diversity of intake: 30% international students and 35% women. 

At the end of March, the UT Executive Board will meet with the works council. After this, the Executive Boards from the UT and VU Amsterdam will then take a final decision on the application for a macro-efficiency test from the Committee for the Efficiency of Higher Education. At the UT, the Education Committee of Creative Technology and the Faculty Council of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science have already given positive advice on a bilocation of Creative Technology in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, the initiative has also received a positive response from the Beta Faculty and  the employee participation body of the Faculty of Humanities, where the programme will be accommodated.

Shortage on the labour market and unused technical talent

The Netherlands has a serious shortage of highly qualified technical professionals. Much technical talent remains unused, especially when it comes to talented women. Initiatives to increase the intake in technical education have been successful, but are still insufficient to solve the shortage of technical personnel. In addition, it appears that in regions with a technical university, approximately 21% of VWO graduates choose a technical bachelor's degree. In the Amsterdam region, this is only 14%. With Creative Technology in Amsterdam, we expect to enthuse more VWO graduates in this region to opt for a technical bachelor's programme. In this way, we are contributing to an answer to the structural shortage of technical professionals on the labour market. 

Successful and highly diverse 

Creative Technology has been offered at the UT since 2010 and is open to all VWO profiles. It is the only bachelor's programme to offer an international learning environment in which intercultural, creative, technical and professional skills are developed through courses and projects. Creative Technology offers a unique multidisciplinary combination of electrical engineering, computer science and design focused on people and complex social issues. It is also a programme that has been successful for years at the UT and has a high diversity of intake: 30% international students and 35% women.   

For more information please contact Floor Elsenburg:   

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