VU – UTEducation & TalentCreative TechnologyBlogsBlog 9: Wanted: CreaTe ambassadors

Creative Technology @VU @UT – Ambassadors wanted

The start of the bachelor's Creative Technology (CreaTe) in 2023 at VU Amsterdam is getting closer and closer. Project manager Alma Schaafstal is to set up the branch on behalf of UT and regularly blogs about the road to Amsterdam. ‘It already feels like a while ago, but really...the new year has just begun. For me, 2023 began with a wonderful holiday. A nice time to be with your family and also a great time to look back and forward. And especially forward!’

‘The good news is that we are on track and it feels like we are in control. Just a little longer and Creative Technology (CreaTe) will be a ‘tame’ project...😉. Well actually it doesn't because lots of great things are happening. Like great new colleagues coming in and starting to get actively involved in CreaTe. Welcome to Maro, Jeroen and Andrea! Hopefully we can welcome even more great new people soon and together give a wonderful new swing to CreaTe. Another cool new development is the video in which we explain the programme with very nice elements of VU Amsterdam in it. It makes me happy.

Look, we all think that CreaTe is really fun, exciting and interesting. Of course we think so because it is. But the challenge is mainly to get this message across to pupils for whom CreaTe is often not yet known. And for that, we need everyone to support it. I strongly believe in the power of our collective network so may we ask you as ambassadors to help share the CreaTe message? Talk about the programme as if you are a CreaTe student yourself or are a successful alumnus/alumna. Or just talk as a supporter who sees the value of a multidisciplinary engineering programme that wants to make a difference in the world. If you see any opportunities anywhere, please be sure to let me know.

We are also working hard distributing our new coffee mug. As a token of appreciation to everyone who is committed to CreaTe. And let's be playful about it: so send photos with the mug on them and I'll make sure they are shared on our social media. CreaTe is conquering the world! Not bad as a thought right? If you don't have a CreaTe mug yet, we will be happy to send you one. I assure you: it will be a collector's item.’ 😉

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