We're almost there

"We're almost there, we're almost there, but not quite there yet." Do you know this song in Dutch? It is sung a lot at celebrations like the Dutch national ‘four evenings walk’ (Avondvierdaagse). We're almost there, but not quite there yet: it characterises the current state at Creative Technology.

A lot has happened and has been delivered. The teaching logistics, the Musketeers are eager to start, Gijs - the student advisor/coordinator in Amsterdam - can't wait to spread his wings, the marketeers of both universities are working on a plan for next year and... we are planning the launch party.

But there is also some work to resolve. Do we have everyone on board for the coming year in a way that makes students and ourselves happy? And what about the capacity of the log cabins for Mechanical Engineering and CreaTe and when exactly will the refurbishment be finished? Are the upcoming freshmen getting too many messages from the two universities that might be confusing? Have we really resolved all the gaps in the timetable now, including the view of recruiting Teaching Assistants?

In all the detailed questions, you would almost forget to enjoy this phase of the year when CreaTe students at the UT, of all three years, are putting their best foot forward. They do so in their fantastic end-of-year and graduation projects, our crown jewels. It makes me realise once again what wonderfully versatile and talented students we have and with how much passion all these students are guided.

Ladies and gentlemen, CreaTe is not just an education. CreaTe is also a gift. A great gift to cherish and develop further. So above all, don't forget to enjoy and be proud of what the program will bring. And maybe we should also just enjoy the fact that we are almost there in Amsterdam. With many thanks to everyone who has put their shoulders to the wheel. And for now: happy holidays to all!

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