The start of the bachelor programme Creative Technology (CreaTe) at VU Amsterdam in 2023 is getting closer. CreaTe is a technical study programme accessible for VWO profiles and has been successful for many years in Enschede. Alma Schaafstal is project leader for the establishment of UT’s bi-location on behalf of the UT and blogs fortnightly about the process on the way to Amsterdam.
Creative Technology @VU @UT - A good vibe and home base
'The past few weeks have partly been holiday weeks. That meant time for reflection and time to walk in the hills to muse about important next steps in the formation of the bi location. The reflection was mainly about the identity of CreaTe and about the fact that a program is so much more than, put in black and white, the curriculum and the teaching and examination regulations. It was also about the vibe and about the community and about what we need to do to achieve the sense of collectivity. Besides, I had a better understanding of why our students make me so happy when they enjoy their Monday afternoon drinks together outside in the sun.
The reflection was as well about the mindset of CreaTe and the students. That you can knock on each other's door if you need any assistance. That we are not all the same but that you can all be yourself within CreaTe. In my reflection I also thought about the fact that CreaTe students want to be relevant to society, that our teachers are passionate about the degree programme, and that we are all proud to belong to CreaTe. In all the related matters, there is in any case an important connecting factor: our SmartXP. It is our home base, our lab with a sense of individuality, supported by our fantastic technician Alfred. Moreover, it is the home of the study association. Although all very nice, but connected to Enschede.
So, how do we get that vibe and that sense of community at CreaTe in Amsterdam? And no, it does not have to and will not be the same as in Enschede, but you do hope that the feeling of individuality, community and collectivity also arises in Amsterdam. The recent visit of delegations from Amsterdam to our facilities in Enschede has certainly helped a lot. Because this delegation saw the importance of a good base, in the form of their own space, for the students CreaTe@Vu and they also saw the importance of an enthusiastic technician who understands the people. And so we are again a few steps further. Despite or perhaps because of the holidays.'