The start of the bachelor programme Creative Technology (CreaTe) at VU Amsterdam in 2023 is getting closer. CreaTe is a technical study programme that is accessible with all VWO profiles and has been successful for many years in Enschede. Alma Schaafstal is project leader for the establishment of the branch on behalf of the UT and blogs fortnightly about the road to Amsterdam.
Creative Technology @VU @UT - Interactive and Equal
‘We have had some interesting and also quite exciting weeks. There was a lot going on in the formal decision-making process. The University Council of the UT agreed to the macro-efficiency dossier. This means we can now ask the government officially for permission to actually start the bi-location. And both Executive Boards of VU Amsterdam and the UT approved the proposed start of the bi-location.
The business case still requires attention. The faculty council of Electrical engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science keeps things on track and asks for clarification on a number of points. The positivist in me finds it difficult that it almost seems as if, in addition to the risks, the opportunities are underexposed. But I also know that thinking about appointments, a good personnel policy and all that goes with it must be properly addressed.
In the meantime, we had fantastic meetings in Amsterdam with our colleagues. Of course it is a bit awkward for everyone to see each other for the first time in real life. But 3D is really a lot more fun and enjoyable than 2D and we are also now calling each other more often on the phone. The period of sending information only is a bit over. There is more and more interaction and equality. And the best part is that there is also room for showing and sharing our uncertainties. That makes the collaboration more open and more equal. I really like that!
And then of course there was the wonderful reception in Amsterdam on 7 April with people from all coalitions together with both Executive Boards. It was so cordial and heart-warming. Despite the fact that we are different, there is really a lot that binds us: an eye for diversity, an eye for sustainability and an eye for entrepreneurship. Three themes that play an important role in Creative Technology.’